What You Believe Matters
GODSun Perspective on
Spirituality, Leadership and Business
April 0423
Exploring the Interconnectedness of Spirituality, Leadership and Business
This is the fourth newsletter looking at the interconnectedness between the spiritual, leadership and business arenas. I try to post a newsletter near the end of every month. At least that is my intention.
As I stated previously, I believe that having a clear understanding of what you believe will enable you to be a more effective leader and business owner. This recognition will generate power and excellence in whatever is done.
In my January and February postings I had a separate section on spirituality, leadership and business. I am now combining the thoughts into one writing without the separations. This may change back but I think that the interconnectedness is obvious therefore, there is no need for the separate writings. The picture was taken from my garden last year. The tulips are not out yet in this neck of the world.
In reviewing my newsletter from last month I feel that I need to restate something that I wrote since I do not believe it accurately reflects what I meant to say. I said that our heart is where our spirit resides and what I believe is more true is that our heart is one conduit that our spirit can use to reach us. We respond more to the physical, natural realm than to the spiritual realm. That is how we have been trained. If we can see it or feel it we are more prone to believe it. The spiritual realm is unseen and interacts with our soul, which is our will, mind and emotions, in order to reach the natural world.
Last month I said that our thoughts dictate to us but so too do our emotions or feelings. Our thoughts trigger our emotions or feelings. In most cases we behave like what we think we are. If we think we are stupid then we behave as if we cannot do or achieve. Or if we think we are beautiful we act accordingly. We exude self confidence. We have all experienced positive and negative emotions and we all know how those feelings impacted us, our view of the environment we were in including the people in that environment.
Last month I asked you to identify what you believed or thought about mankind and why you thought or believed that way. I asked this because everything we do impacts mankind. Unless, of course, you are living as a hermit in a remote place you are going to be interacting with people. And whatever you do is going to impact all those around you, since no man is an island. Our words and our actions have consequences: life or death. We can bring encouragement or discouragement to people with our words and actions. And remember that our words and actions come from what we are thinking on consistently. We can propagate life or death based on what we have connected our thought life to. What spiritual connection have we made with our thoughts or mind? In the first newsletter I quoted Dr. Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist, who told us that our thoughts are generated by the mind which then ignites neurotransmitters in the brain causing chemicals to be released that will impact the body or cause certain responses in the body. The mind is a stream of conscious and unconscious activity. When you think, you feel and when you feel you will choose. The unconscious stream is the most powerful of the two streams since it guides and directs the conscious stream. If you want to read more on this check out “The Ant and the Elephant” by Vince Poscente.
The law of faith enables us to tap into the spiritual realm and draw from it. What is the law of faith you might ask. Just as there is a law of gravity there is a law of faith. We all have faith whether we believe in the spiritual realm or not. The ability to express faith has been imprinted on the human DNA. All of mankind has been given a measure of faith. We determine what we are willing to put our trust or faith in. For example: If you walk into a dark room you don’t immediately grab your phone to call the power company or start praying for the lights to come on. You just walk over and flick the light switch, or if you have a smart home you just say Alexa turn the lights on. And le voila, you have light. You may not know or understand all the ins and outs of electricity but you had faith that when you flicked the switch or said Alexa turn the lights on, that the lights would come on. That is faith. What you have faith in determines your actions. If you didn’t truly believe that flicking the light switch would have turned the lights on you would never have touched the light switch. You would have done something else.
The questions that then follow are: 1) are you tapping into the spiritual realm and 2) what are you tapping into? If you don’t believe that there is a spiritual realm but only what we can see and touch then you are being manipulated by the dark spiritual realm. The spirit realm is the same as the natural realm. There is good and bad or a ying and a yang. There is always two opposing forces and it is the same in the invisible realm. The dark spiritual forces will force or cause situations that will lead to destruction. If we tap into God’s resevoir of power we shall receive ideas and concepts that will enable us to do good for mankind to meet their every need and not just our own. If we tap into the dark realm, it too will give us ideas and concepts but not for the good of mankind but for our own selfish end. Ends that will lead to thievery, death and destruction.
The spirit of a person dictates to the person whether you recognize the spirit or not. And sometimes the spirit sounds like our thoughts. As I mentioned in a previous newsletter some people call it ‘a gut instinct’, their conscience, an inner nudging, a prompting. In some cases, when we ignore that prompting and something untoward happens, we reflect back on that nudge that was trying to get us do something different which we unfortunately ignored. There was something beyond our physical senses that was trying to intercept us.
I need to state her that logic does not equal faith. Sometimes you know what you need to do even if it doesn’t make sense and others are telling you that you are out in left field. You do it and it turns out to be the best thing you could have done. And you acknowledge that if you had done the logical thing you would have ended up in big trouble. That is faith. That is believing in what you cannot see but it seems to be the right thing to do. God is always trying to get through to us. We have just been conditioned to ignore Him to our detriment.
How often as a leader or a business owner have you employed faith? We do it all the time. We make decisions before we see the end result. That is because we employ the law of faith. We make decisions based on information and nudgings and promptings, this is the right path to take. When we do that we are in a spiritual flow. The results of those decisions, good or bad, will indicate what spiritual flow we were connected to when we were going through the decision making process.
How do we know, beyond the results, if we are connected to a good or bad spiritual flow? One way to determine is whether you have an inner peace about the decision that you have just made. Remember it is not about being logical. We have all been in a position where we have made the seemingly only logical decision that could have been made and have not had peace about the decision. We just didn’t feel right about it. Also another way to determine your connection is how much time did you spend on the decision. If you quieted yourself and thought deeply on the matter it means that you engaged your core values. You brought your core beliefs to play in the decision process, which means that the decision you made would have been aligned with your core values. If so, there will be an absence of cognitive dissonance and you will have inner peace letting you know that you are on the right track.
So back to the question – what do you believe about mankind? What you believe will guide your spiritual connection to the light or to the dark. If you believe that you are here to benefit mankind then you will be thinking how you can do that and that is a form of love. God is love and working from that perspective will connect you to God. If you believe that man is here to serve you and you need to control them and use them for your own ends that is not coming from God, which means your connection will be to the dark side. It is so important that we know what we believe and why.
Many things that are being done in our world today are not being done for the majority of mankind. It seems as if a select few are trying to dictate to man what they can and cannot do, can and cannot have, can and cannot think. God gave us the freedom to think and to choose what we do and with all thoughts and behaviours there are consequences. The question is are the consequences we are reaping good or bad? If they are bad then it means that somehow or other we have connected ourselves to the dark realm, which I mentioned in an earlier newsletter has one aim, and that is to steal, kill and destroy. If we see people being stolen from being killed and destroyed, the results testify to the connection we have made. If we are not happy with the results then we need to check our belief system and change it. We, of all created beings have the ability to change. We have been given free wills and we can choose to be victims or, leaders and business owners who can make a difference in our world. Our world needs us to stand up and be willing to connect ourselves to God’s love and light and then to spread it around. Our beliefs dictate our actions and our actions create our world. Are you happy with the world around you?
Sunday Miller