Truth – The Linch-Pin

GODSun Perspective on
Spirituality, Leadership and Business
September 2023 Vol 0823
Exploring the Interconnectedness of Spirituality, Leadership and Business
In last month’s newsletter I spoke about the importance of our attitude or mindset. I said how important it was to be positive, optimistic and enthusiastic. I recognize that it is difficult to be positive, optimistic or enthusiastic if we don’t know what we are supposed to be doing or don’t buy into what we are actually doing. So, last month I suggested that you determine the vision that you have for your life and I gave you a link to a template on my website that you can use to start the process of figuring it out. But in order for what you write to be effective you need to know who you are. You need to know what your core values are. I discussed this concept in the March newsletter. I also discussed the importance of making sure that our activities and actions line up with our core values. If they do not then we will be hard pressed to be
positive, optimistic and enthusiastic. Why? Because, in spite of what we say or do our soul/heart knows whether these words and/or actions are in agreement with what we believe.
It also means that whatever vision you come up with will be a false one since it will not be based on truth. A personal life vision is just like a business plan. In order for it to be effective and to achieve the stated stated goals the plan must be based on truth, not fabrications. Plans, that at the core, are based on fabrications are a form of sabotage. I am not referring to estimations. Estimates change but the foundation of the estimates has to be solid. They cannot be based on things that change. If the foundation is subject to change then any little change could cause the whole structure
(life or business) to fold and collapse. This is where self-sabotage comes in. I am not going to deal with this here. I am only saying that we can say what we want but our subconscious knows what we really believe and our subconscious controls the train and any direction that is taken in our lives. I mentioned a book in the April newsletter but I will identify it here again as a book you should read to get an understanding of the power of the subconscious – “The Ant and the Elephant by Vince Poscente.
If you look at what I have written about having a good attitude, and creating a plan or vision for your life it all comes down to our thinking or imagination. I have spoken over and over again about the importance of our thinking. I have also indicated that our thoughts are one way in which the spirit realm interacts with the natural realm or with man. I have shown how our thoughts impact our body and our world that we live in. We are spiritual beings whether we believe it or not, and we will connect to the spirit realm, either knowingly or unknowingly. We will know where the thoughts and ideas have come from based on end results of actions. I do believe I gave examples of good and evil leaders in my first newsletter.
All great leaders are people of faith. They are committed to what they believe. And I am using the term ‘great’ here to mean those who did good and not evil. Atheism is a faith as well and there have been some impressive atheists but I don’t think that they changed the world for good. Atheists cannot live for purpose because if you are an atheist you have no purpose because, based on your beliefs, you are a chance happening. Anyone who claims to be an atheist and speaks of having a purpose is not really an atheist. The only people who believe that they are here for a purpose are those who deep down inside of themselves do not believe that they are all that there is. They believe that there is something bigger and greater than themselves. Great leaders believed in a power higher than themselves and acted in agreement with that faith. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that all men were created equal. That God did not discriminate based on creed, race, nationality, etc. He believed that God loved everyone the same and did not put one above the other and that God wanted all to have the freedom to achieve their God given potential. All of the great things, all the beneficial things that have been placed on the planet were done by people of faith. Why? Because they believed the following:
1. That man was created by the Higher Power, that we call God and they were created for a reason. In other words no one who is on the planet is here by accident regardless of how they come into the earth realm. That God fashioned them while they were in their mother’s womb and chose their gender, what they were to achieve for the good of mankind and then God put those giftings and abilities inside of them in preparation for the fulfillment of their destiny
2. That God loves mankind and wants to have a relationship with them. He wants to communicate with us. That is why He made us spirit and soul, so that we can communicate with the spirit world. He gave us a conscience, an inner knowing, a recognition when something was right or wrong. It was His way of communicating with us for our good. As I have stated in a previous newsletter that sometimes we have ignored this inner knowing and suffered the consequences. Those who have developped that sensitivity and been obedient to it have reaped amazing benefits of peace, joy, success, etc.
3. That God wants mankind to prosper in every way. Relationally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. God has even given promises to those who obey and do His will that His Blessing will overtake them and that the work of their hands would be blessed and that no weapon formed against them should prosper.
You may ask ‘what are some of the things that believers have given the world?’ Well the universities, hospitals, libraries, organizations of compassion and care, schools, orphanages, retreat centres, rehabilitation centres, not for profits to meet the needs in their communities are a few. And then there are the numerous Christian scientists who discovered or created benefits for mankind. A lot of the early scientists were Christian because they believed that God wanted us to understand the world that we lived in and that the world was able to be understood. Those who did not believe were not willing at times to accept their science and chose instead to accept science that could be bought that would support their plans. In other words a science that was not based on truth and God is Truth. So who were some of these Christian scientists? Galileo, Isaac Newton, George Washington Carver, Gregor Mendel, Michael Faraday, Kepler, Ernest Dalton, Florence Nightingale, Samuel Morse and John Eccles to name a few. Most of these are names we have heard of before even if we cannot identify what they gave to mankind. In some instances their gift to the world was highjacked and used for evil instead of for good.
All of these achievements require access to our way of thinking, access to our thoughts. So as a business leader or leader in another area it is vitally important that you keep your thought life aligned to truth. It is so important that you know what you believe and why you believe it. If what you believe is not the truth, then you are not aligned to God no matter how well meaning you may want to be. I said above that God is Truth and if you are aligned to truth you will be aligned to God. That is perhaps one of the reasons why there is such a push on to prevent people from getting to the truth of a situation. The media tells lies and governments are putting laws in place so that they can determine what they want to put out as truth, even if it is a lie. The truth doesn’t change. That is the definition of truth. It is an absolute. For example: I may want to fly and therefore, I go up on top of the building and start flapping my arms and jump up and over the edge of the building. There is an absolute truth on planet earth called gravity. The only way I am going to be able to over come that truth is if I learn the truth of lift and thrust. The truth of aerodynamics. Which ever way I look at it the only way I am going to be able to fly is if I am operating in the realm of truth. Gravity says, if you do this, then this will happen. If you do what gravity says and it doesn’t happen then what gravity has said is a lie. But gravity, along with all of the other physical laws of the universe, have been put in place by God Almighty, Who cannot lie, so it always works on planet earth unless you create other conditions. One quality of being a leader and a business owner is that you have to do your due diligence. If something doesn’t sound right, smell right, feel right or look right it probably isn’t right. It is up to us as a leader and business owner to search out the truth and then to walk in the truth that we have received and understood regardless of what others may say or think. Are you up for the challenge? I hope you are because your future depends on it.