The Vision for Your Life

Goals Process
Setting a plan or goals for your life is very important. Studies have shown that those who write their goals down and review them on a regular basis are more likely to achieve their goals than those who just talk about them. People who have had success didn’t arrive there without a plan. They knew where they wanted to go and they made a plan to get there. If you don’t know where you are going you will get there easily, just do nothing. The following is a suggestion to help you with establishing goals so that you can live the life you want to live.
Step 1
You have to be willing to set some time aside where you can be on your own without any interruptions. And you are going to need more than five minutes. A few hours minimum should be set aside. It should also be a spot that is comfortable to you, where you can relax. The phone is off or better still leave the phone someplace else. And it goes without saying that you will need a notepad, pen and perhaps colour pencils and/or markers
Step 2
Close your eyes and just concentrate on your self as you take a few deep breaths. This will enable you to become more sensitive to what is going on inside of you.
Step 3
The next step is going to consist of a series of questions that you are going to ask yourself. As you ask each question you are going to write down on the pad whatever comes to mind. Nothing is to be discarded as crazy or frivolous.
1. What personal goals do I want to achieve?
This can range from losing weight, starting or finishing school, fixing a relationship, etc.
2. What financial goals do I want to achieve?
This could be paying off a mortgage or a student loan, having enough money to buy a house or a piece of land, increase monthly income by a certain amount, have no debt, etc.
3. What business goals do I want to achieve?
This could include the creation of a strategic plan, upgrade equipment, hire staff, find an office space, etc.
Step 4
Once you have done the above you need to go back and review what you have written and realistically identify what can be accomplished in 1 year, what will take at least 3 years, and what will take at least 5 years.
Step 5
Once you have done that use the attached template to separate out the goals that you have broken down into the 1, 3 and 5 years segments. Then identify a) what you will need to achieve that goal in that time frame and b) how you are going to get what you need.
As you can see this will take some time which is why I suggested that you schedule some quiet time to do this. Also recognize that your goals may change as you start to achieve some of your goals. You may realize that some things that you put down are no longer important and things that you didn’t identify need to be added to your list. This is why it is so important to create a goals list and to review it on a regular basis.
The three categories to fill in are as follows:
My Goal What I need to achieve my goal? How I will get what I need?