To assist organizations with problem solving or visioning the future of their organization. This includes:
- Community/organizational engagement
- Strategic planning sessions
- Assistance with challenging conversations
Sunday is very open to all thoughts of participants. She encouraged participation and feedback
- Leadership – What leadership is and what is required to be an effective leader
- Governance – How to effectively govern an organization in order to achieve organizational excellence
- African Nova Scotian History – Providing education to groups regarding the history of the indigenous people of African ancestry in Nova Scotia
- Personal and Professional Development – Identifying individual strengths and learning the skills necessary to be accomplished in one’s chosen area of endeavour
Sunday Miller is a joy to watch and listen to, I was impressed with her presentation. She was able to impart her everyday skills and I felt her presentation gave us clues on how to meet and seize the day. She was great!
Organizational Development
This could cover a number of topics from, how to structure the organization to, looking for new opportunities for growth. This would include such things as the following:
- The creation of new positions
- Identification of new partnerships to support the new venture
- Creation of policies and procedures
- Strategic planning
Spiritual Growth
As a person thinks so is he. Or another way of looking at this is that our health and prosperity depend upon the health of our soul ( our mind, emotions, thinking processes, etc.) This unseen part of us has a huge impact on our achievements, therefore, I recognize the importance of assisting with the spiritual part of man as well as the logical. The spiritual growth could include the following:
- Bible studies
- Assisting people with identifying their giftings
- Assisting people with defining their purpose
- Helping them write their mission statement
- Helping them to create a short term life plan