Faith Vs Fear
GODSun Perspective on
Spirituality, Leadership and Business
February 2025 Vol 0225
Exploring the Interconnectedness of Spirituality, Leadership and Business
Faith Vs Fear
Where do you spend the majority of your time? In faith or in fear? Both of these are mind-sets. It is how we think and what we focus our thoughts on that will determine whether we live in faith or in fear. Proverbs 23: 7 says “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. We cannot focus on gloom and doom and have a positive attitude and an anxious free life. In our society it is very difficult to get away from the negative aspects of life since the media consistently presents Constantly Negative News.
I am usually calm, even keeled, but in 2020 I found myself feeling anxious, which is a form of fear. So, I had to figure out why I was feeling anxious. God gave me some insight: it was all the media that I was listening to and watching regarding COVID. It was creating fear in me and a form of desperation. I guess a sense of being overwhelmed. So, I cut the media off. I figured if anything catastrophic happened my friends and family would keep me informed. I knew that I needed to keep my heart and mind free from fear and doom.
Fear or anxiety will cause us to make decisions that may not be in alignment with God’s plan for our lives. Fear is us responding to the devil’s manipulation of our environment and any decision made based on fear, no matter how rational, is a poor decision based on a lie. The point of fear is to control.
Faith is not denying the reality of the situation but denying that the situation has the right to control us. The situation or the ones who have created the situation do not have the final say in our outcome, unless we concede to their manipulations. Faith enables us to see more clearly, enabling us to think more clearly so we can make good decisions. Also, when we practice ‘faith’ we have angels who will come alongside us to support our faith. And we all have faith. The question is ‘what are we putting our faith in’? Do we believe that the wicked, unjust people will prevail? If so, we have no option but to practice fear. But, if we believe that the just and good people will prevail, then we are moving and acting in faith. As a result, our actions and words will bring about the change that we have faith for.
God knows that we need people of faith in this day and age. Therefore, I challenge you to identify on which side you are standing. If it isn’t where you want to position yourself, move to the other side. If you want to get on and stay on the faith side do the following:
1. Turn off the media;
2. Be selective in what you watch and listen to. Fear and negativity in is fear and negativity out;
3. Do a daily self check. Ask yourself if you are feeling positive and energized or anxious and worn out;
4. Intentionally think on things that are just, true, virtuous, and of good report.
Doing these four steps will help you get over and stay on the faith side.
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