The Tools of Knowing Our Purpose
GODSun Perspective on
Spirituality, Leadership and Business
July 2024 Vol 0624
Exploring the Interconnectedness of Spirituality, Leadership and Business
In the January posting I spoke about labour and toil being the result of mankind spurning God’s word and counsel. In February I started talking about the establishing of a secure foundation. It will be impossible to have a secure foundation if we spurn God’s word and counsel. God is truth and if we spurn His truth (word and counsel) then we are building our lives on a lie. Therefore, any foundation that is built on a lie cannot and will never be secure because truth will always triumph over the lie. What we do with the concept of God will determine the foundation that we construct in and for our lives. Over the past four months I have been dealing with points that I believe help us to have a secure foundation. They are 1) the importance of knowing who we are, 2) knowing what we believe and 3) knowing ‘why’ we believe what we believe. We need to be confident in knowing who we are and what we believe about the world around us and what our interaction should be with that world. I also suggested some activities that we could work through to help us figure these things out. This self knowledge is critical for anything that we will do in our lives. This month I am going to deal with the last point which is:
Why Are We Here?
I guess the first question that we need to ask ourselves is whether we believe that there is a reason for us being on the planet or are we just a happenstance, a freak of evolution? Do I, do you believe that you are here for a purpose and that what we do matters? Personally, I don’t believe that anyone who has been birthed onto this planet is a mistake regardless of how they were brought into this world. I believe that we are all here to do and to complete good works. What would be considered a good work? In my opinion, a good work is something done that benefits mankind as a whole. This would be activities whose primary aim is not based on greed, pride, oppression, annihilation or expulsion of any person or people group. A good work is anything that adds value to mankind and doesn’t detract from the value or importance of any person. It is a work or activity that will defend, protect and provide for the most vulnerable in a society: the unborn, the orphan, the widow, the homeless, the disenfranchised, the children, etc. Unfortunately, we seem to live in a world where the most vulnerable seem to be the most under attack and are viewed as prey to the rich and powerful. I say this because of laws that are being enacted to harm or not to protect the most vulnerable but these laws are couched in terms that make it sound like social justice or human rights. The mindset seems to be “if I can make money then it is an acceptable activity regardless of who is hurt or oppressed. I honestly believe that it is for this reason that human slavery is still alive and well today. That was the main reason for the enslavement of the African and it is the same reason for the enslavement of women and children in sex trafficking and slave labour. Men are also being enslaved as well. And there is, of course, the deliberate attempt to enslave people to opioids/drugs, and, unfortunately, those entrusted with our health are pawns in the propagation of this enslavement. These are not good works. Man was not put on this earth to destroy mankind, but, because of greed and a foundation not built on the truth of who mankind is these things happen. It all comes back to what you believe and from whom have you been taking your direction.
Lately we have become aware of the heinous activities of some of the rich and famous who, because of their wealth, seem to have lost their value for mankind. Their fame and fortune has caused them to believe that they can act any way they want. Of course, without an acknowledgement of God in our lives we will be hard pressed to do good works and to land upon our true purpose. God can and will direct us if we want His input, but He will never force His will upon us. He created us with a free will and yes I do believe that God created all that is visible and invisible. We have not made ourselves. We have been wonderfully and fearfully created by a master designer who identified our gender and sex and giftings at birth. And He created us with a free will, the ability to choose who and what we will serve or allow to guide us: God or money and power.
If we have gotten off track, and we all do at some point and more often if we are not intentionally seeking direction from our creator, God, can get us back on track. We must realize that there are only two forces in the world: that of light (God) and that of darkness (the devil – a fallen created angel). Both forces are spiritual or unseen and can only work in the earth realm with man’s approval. We give them approval to intervene is the affairs of man by being willing to take their thoughts and perspective on things. When we take on a thought or perspective we then act out that thought. God is love and any thoughts of hate or oppression do not come from Him. Even when we think we are justified in hating someone or a person group, that thought and justification process has not come from God. God loves mankind and He has shown us mercy over and over again. The only hate that is ever justifiable is hating what God hates, which is evil. He hates the harming of children and He will judge it but He will never condone a man hating another man. Jesus even stated that if you are angry with someone, in God’s eyes that is akin to murder. Yet our world is rampant with hate and anger. Why? Because we have removed God from our cultures and replaced Him with the devil who is a liar and a hater. He hates everything that God loves and will try to pervert all that God has put on the earth for man’s enjoyment. The devil hates mankind and he wants to destroy us because God loves us and created us in His image. The devil will use mankind with their so called intellect and logic and greed to destroy mankind. Don’t be deceived, the devil has no power to harm us. He needs our assistance in his schemes to do that.
God, who wants to do good to and for mankind, also needs our agreement to make it happen. God is life and He desires to give mankind life and life more abundantly. He is the one who has given us our life and has filled us with gifts and abilities to bless each other. The unfortunate thing is that God doesn’t force us to use our giftings and abilities for good. We get to choose who we will allow to access our giftings and talents. If we yield them to God we will end up doing good for humanity. If we yield them to the devil we will end up using them for evil and the world will reap the consequences of yielding our abilities to the wrong entity. If we look at the world we know what choice we have made.
Next month I will identify how to determine our giftings and which areas may give us the most satisfaction. We are all here for such as time as this in 2024 and God has a plan. So remain positive and hopeful. Take care.
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Photo by Ryno Marais