What do You Believe?
GODSun Perspective on
Spirituality, Leadership and Business
May 2024 Vol 0524
Exploring the Interconnectedness of Spirituality, Leadership and Business
Securing Our Foundation – Point 2
I started the year discussing how important it was for our growth and development to have a foundation that is properly established and secured. And I put forward four points that I considered necessary to achieve a stable foundation. The first point was dealt with in the last two newsletters and it focussed on knowing who we are. I discussed determining from where and from whom we were getting our identity and I posed the question as to whether they had the authority to speak that identity into our lives. And I ended by saying that we should be deriving our identity from what God said about us and that it should be based on what He put within us.
This month I am going to deal with the second point which is: knowing what you believe. I am not talking about a superficial belief but the deeply held beliefs that we have. What do you believe about yourself? What do you believe about the world that you live in and the people that surround you? It is vitally important that we know the answers to these questions because they will colour our perspective and dictate our actions. So let’s deal with the first question:
What do you believe about yourself?
Do you believe that you are someone worthy of or deserving of success and happiness? Or do you see yourself as a failure going somewhere to happen, living a life of pain and discouragement? The former is what God intends for us. The latter is what satan intends for us. Can you see yourself successful and joyful? Enjoying each moment of every day and not filled with worry and anxiety. What I suggest you do right now is to stop reading and sit down and try to visualize yourself successful and content. If you cannot see that or you are struggling to see yourself successful and content then you need to ask yourself what belief do you hold that is preventing you from seeing yourself as successful and content. According to Proverbs 23: 7 we are told that as a man thinks (or believes) in his heart so is he. We act according to our beliefs even if we don’t actually acknowledge those beliefs. Our subconscious mind knows what we believe down deep inside and it works to bring our beliefs to pass. So what do you believe that you deserve? I would suggest that it would be very helpful for you to sit down and write the vision of what your successful life would look like.
What do you believe about your finances? Do you see yourself as someone who will always live in lack, never having enough, always in debt, always needing someone to help them out? Or do you see yourself as someone with an abundance of resources who can be generous and give to others and charitable causes? Some one who can be a blessing to others? Or are you afraid of having more than you need? If the latter is the case: remember that just because you have it doesn’t mean that you have to keep it all. Personally, I am believing that I will get to the point where I have enough money coming in that I can live on less than 1% of my income and use the rest to be a blessing to people. My belief is that we are blessed to be a blessing. If you had more than you needed what would you do? What feelings are generated when you try and visualize yourself as having more than you need? I am not implying that we should be taking our cues from our feelings but they can be an indication of what is happening on the inside and can help us understand what we believe. If you are feeling shame or guilt at the idea of having more than you need then you need to determine what belief is causing you to feel that way. That belief could be the result of the environment or culture that you were raised in or words that were spoken over you as a child or even as an adult. Words can colour our identity and belief systems and cause us not to be all that we were created to be.
What do you believe about your personal relationships? About your family, significant other, friends, etc. What pictures come to mind when you think about these types of relationships? In many cases they will probably be influenced by the types of relationships that we have already had. In order to grow and develop and yes, even to heal we need to know what we believe in these areas. We must also recognize that whatever success we have we never have it in isolation. We will always need a support team at some point in the journey. Those who believe in what we are attempting to do and will come alongside to encourage and support us. These are relationships that help us to move faster and go further than we could have done on our own. These are people who will build us up and not tear us down. So, I ask again, how do you see the different types of relationships in your life?
You can take any area of your life and ask yourself how you want it to be. What do you believe about your health? Sit down and start the process of visualizing it and identify, if you are struggling to get through the visualization process, what limiting belief is attached to this aspect of your life. It is important that you determine what that belief is and root it out. It needs to be replaced with a true belief. Or put another way, a belief based on truth and not a lie. Any one of us can do this with every area of our lives. This visualization process will help us to clarify who we are in a more holistic manner than just looking at what we do day in and day out to survive. We were not put her to ‘just survive’. And I guess if you believe that then that is another belief you need to unpack and replace with truth.
So in summary, in order to know what you believe about your life I have suggested that you do a visualization process on various areas of your life to help you picture how you want your life to be. If you end up struggling with the visualization process in a certain area then it is possible that there is a limiting belief that is holding you back. It is important that you identify that belief, root it out and replace it with truth.
When you do the visualization process you need to be in a quiet, relaxing place where you will not have any distractions and do it when you have lots of time. This is not something that you can do in five minutes. Make sure that you have a pad and pen or an easel and paints to detail the life you want to live. Start writing and don’t judge what you write. Just let your heart speak. To make it easier you can also do it in increments of time. For example: over the next year I want to…., or the next five years I…, or in ten years I will have….. Then review. You will know where you struggled and in those areas you will need to spend some time in reflection to determine why you struggled. What is the limiting belief and where did it come from?
One thing that is really important is that you be honest with yourself as you go through the visualization process. If any emotions surface write them down. The purpose of this process is to make sure that your foundation is secure and based on truth and not a lie. How you see your life is what it will be. Living your best life depends on your knowing what you believe about yourself.
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